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Knotted scarf


Knotted scarfs will always be fashionable items. Tempted by the balls of soft, luxurious wool in your local haberdashery shop? You can make a cosy knotted scarf without knowing how to knit; simply knot strands of wool together to make this pretty macramé criss-cross design. You can use any type of thick wool, but the scarf will look the best if your chosen yarn is soft and fluffy.

Materials you need

– 2 x 50 g balls Super Chunky wool

– scissors

– 1 cm thick polystyrene foam board (or you can use a cork pin board)

– sewing pins

knotted scarf


1 Measure and cut the wool into 18 lengths, each about 3.8 m long

2 Arrange the lengths of wool into 6 groups of three strands each. Wind the wool into bunches and tie closely, leaving a 50 cm tail; this will make the strands easier to work with.

3 Take the first two bunches and tie them together with a double knot about 12cm (5in) from the top. Repeat with the other bunches, making three knotted sections.

4 Evenly space out the double bunches on a polystyrene foam board or cork pin board. Secure them to the board with a pin through the centre of each knot.

5 Working in bunches of two, knot together the second and third lengths from the left, about 5 cm (2in) below the first knot. repeat with the fourth and fifth lengths. Pin down.

6 Knot together the middle two lengths, again about 5 cm (2in) below the previous knot. Then knot each of the sides, keeping the outermost length taut and ensuring the side knots line up with the middle. Pin.

7 Repeat Step 5 to complete the next row of knots. Pin through the new knots to keep the scarf secure and to help space out the knots correctly.

8 Then repeat Step 6. Continue to tie knots in this way until you reach the end of the foam board. Unpin the knots and move the scarf up the board. Repin the last row and continue to knot.

9 When you are about 12 cm (5in) from the end of the wool lengths, make a final three knots. Note that you will reach the end of the middle lengths sooner than the sides.

10 Cut all the strands to the same length, and the knotted scarf is complete.


The post Knotted scarf appeared first on GoldenFingers.

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